Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 171- ADHD meds!

Hey guys,

     So, a lot of you may not know this(or may already know this through my awesome organization of thoughts in my writing), but I have ADHD. First off, ADHD and ADD---> NOT THE SAME THING! Attention Deficit Disorder, and Attention Deficit HYPERACTIVITY Disorder or two different things, yes, they're similar, but they are NOT the same thing. Most people with ADD struggle with paying attention for long periods of time mainly because they have a shorter attention span, some might call it being "flakey", but that's incredibly rude and disrespectful, so don't ever do that. On the other hand, most people with ADHD struggle with paying attention/doing anything for a long time because they simply can't sit still for long periods of time. They HAVE to be doing something, either doing something with their body, or multitasking, as long as their body is moving as quickly(or slowly) as their brain is moving. For me, it is very typical to find me on a school day drowning in books, because I simply can't focus on one subject for a long period of time, so I start one subject, and when I get bored or frustrated with that one, I switch to another, and come back to it later. Personally, I have a pretty noticeable sight-effect of just HOW quickly my brain is moving. When I'm sitting in church, in the car, or really ANYWHERE for an extended period of time, my right leg literally starts to shake. Anyways, now that we've established the difference between ADD and ADHD, and how it effects me personally, let's get to the subject of this post! I have been COMPLETELY out of my medication almost all of Christmas break, and have had at LEAST 4 tries to the pharmacy with something else wrong with the prescription each time. This means either; I get very loud, and very hyper, and tend to just be very obnoxious, OR, I feel like crap. So, this break has been...interesting. But today, as I FINALLY got my medication after the 5th trip to the pharmacy, I cannot even explain to you in words what a relief it will be to be back on it tomorrow, and it will be a huge relief for my parents too, I'm sure! I want to end this by saying, if you know anyone that has ADD or ADHD, please, PLEASE don't judge them, they're normal people, just like you. They just get a little overexcited about things, or are a little bit louder than most people, or they have trouble concentrating. But I want to tell you, people with ADD and ADHD are not stupid, they see it when people judge them or just flat out avoid them, and that hurts! I know because you're reading this that you know me fairly well, so just think, "How would I feel if I knew that someone was treating Rose like that?" Please, treat them with respect, love them, and don't look down on them because of their "disability".

<3 Always,

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