Hey all!!
So, I had a very jam packed day filled with awesome people and awesome places and awesome food, LOTS of awesome food ;) I just got home(hence the late posting) and I am completely shot, but I loved every minute of it which makes it worth it!
The Stevens Girls(plus Keila) spent the day at our family's annual reunion up in Linville Falls! Although 85% of the people there I didn't know, I still had a good time with the family I had there. Since losing Graham, and the diagnosis of Clara, I think that we have been built up as a stronger family unit. Whenever we get together, it is truly a great time, complete with lots of laughs, but most of all, lots of LOVE. It makes me so sad to think that some people have gone their whole lives without seeing their Mom or Dad's side of the family, or when you haven't seen your siblings in 20 years, that just BREAKS my heart. I think a lot of the reason I feel so strongly about this is the fact that I DID grow up far away from both sides of my family, HOWEVER, we made it work! We would travel down to Kansas City, where my dad's side of the family is and spend Thanksgiving with them, and then my Grandma almost always would fly in over Christmas break, along with my cousin's from my dad's side(on the years that they're with their Mom for Thanksgiving). If we made it work, why can't other people? Why do children grow up without knowing either one of their grandparents on one side of the family? That's just sad! With technology these days, you can STILL keep in touch even when you're far away, (trust me, I KNOW!) so why distance yourself or your children from their extended family? In other words, I'm happy, thankful, and glad that our family hasn't fallen out of touch, and we love each other, no matter HOW far away you might be! I'll admit, it's HARD sometimes, not being close to family, when most of your friends are, but think of it this way; every month you spend apart, only makes for a more FANTASTICALLY WONDERFUL reunion!
<3 Always,
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