Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 30- How DEEP the father's LOVE FOR US!

Hey guys!!

    So, as I mentioned a few days ago, there is a summer camp up in Northern Wisconsin that is very close to my heart, and I was hoping to work there this summer, and have had a hard time NOT being able to work there this summer. Anyways, my friend Chloe, who was up at camp for the summer and just got home a few days ago posted a video of her and her friend singing one of my favorite hymns of ALL TIME!!!!! It is such a powerful song, describing the pain the Christ endured, being "forsaken" by God. Anyways, her video really made me think, why is it that I want to work at camp? Is it just for the fun and games? Or is it actually ministering to campers? Obviously, the answer should most definitely be the second, but it is so easy for me to just think, "Oh, camp was SO much fun, I can't wait to go back!" And before I know it, I've forgotten WHY the camp even exists! It was quite the shock, but I am so happy that I realized this, because I spent the rest of the day fantasizing about how AWESOME it would be to minister to middle school campers, and I am SO excited to go work there, for the RIGHT reasons! I love camp, but even more than that, I love kids, and most of all, I. LOVE. GOD!!! I am so excited to bring the campers that same passion that I have for God!!!
Me singing the song :)
<3 Always,

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