Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 227-Time with Katie!


Hey guys,

    So, today was an AWESOME day! I essentially had a "Katie Day" and spent more than 5 hours together, which didn't even seem like a lot! She had gone out to lunch with some of the other high school students, so I went to meet them at Cook Out, and enjoyed watching the Pam and Jim wedding montage on Michael's phone sitting in the backseat of Anna's car in the parking lot...We came home and decided that we wanted to do something crafty, but we couldn't decide WHAT, so we decided to drive into Hickory for some inspiration. Katie took me to this FLIPPING AWESOME place called the resource warehouse, I like the way she described it, "It's basically a 24/7 craft oriented yard sale..." Places like this are seriously my dream come true, I could have spent the entire day in there if she had let me! We also went to Hobby Lobby to finish finding the materials that we didn't find at resource, which was also a blast for me. We got home and got to work working on making a tutu, which she had never done, but don't worry, I've officially inspired her to make one of her own! We got done with the tutu and still had time before dinner, so we decided to watch "Friends", because she had never seen it, and it's like one of my favorite TV shows. We enjoyed dinner of baked spaghetti with Katie's sister Rachel, and their Mom, and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! After dinner, we STILL had time before we were planning to head out again, so we watched some more friends :) Then we left to go see Jae and her sister Trystan perform in their duo dance competition, which in my opinion, they KILLED!!! AND then, we finally parted ways. Today was so much fun doing stuff we both equally enjoyed doing, getting to have "serious" talks, and also just getting to have fun with each other and enjoy being around each other. I love you Katie!

<3 Always,

Day 226- Boys


Hey guys!

     So, today I spent ALL day with the boys as Mom was in Charlotte visiting her family. It definitely had it's challenges, but overall, it left me feeling so blessed to be a big sister. For a long time, I wanted so badly to be a big sister, and now that day is here, and yes, it's not always rainbows and butterflies, but it's LIFE. Life is messy, ugly, and frustrating, but life is also fun, beautiful, and filled with blessings, it's just a matter of taking the time to look for them in our everyday life. I am so happy to be an older sister, and I am so aware that it is likely that this time next year, I WON'T be at home, being able to spend time with them everyday, so I need to savor the moments I DO have with them, because there will come a time when all I want is to go back to this day, that I spent with my brothers.

<3 Always,


Day 225-Patricia


Hey guys,

     So, we found out late last night(9ish or so...) that school for today was cancelled, and since Patricia had been wanting to come sled at our house for a long time, and we were together ending Wednesday night church when we found out, I invited her over. Her parents and her were worried about how the roads would be, so she suggested that she sleep over, and my parents agreed! So, we woke up this morning, and had the whole day to do whatever we liked whenever we liked, which included; watching Full House, laying in my overly comfy bed, building a snowman with Shane, and going sledding later in the day with Katie and her sister Rachel. All in all, it was a pretty fantabulous way to spend a snow day!

We felt pretty accomplished...
<3 Always, 

Day 224- Kids!


Hey guys,

      So, today gave me a bit more perspective of just how sweet and kind and wonderful the little girl that I watch is. :) We decided to go and meet some friends from her school at BO's for the afternoon, and it was absolutely adorable! She was on the younger end of the kids there, but she was also the oldest of the girls there, and she showed her kindness to the younger ones as they climbed through the tubes and slides, we could hear her little voice saying, "C'mon Abigail, you can do it!"(Abigail was one of the younger girls...) It just made me smile. At only 3 years old, Alora has a heart for others, and cares about her friends, and wants to help them in any way she can :)

<3 Always,

Day 223-Adrienne

Hey guys,

    So, today we had a snow day, AGAIN. I was supposed to meet with Adrienne today though, so we talked about it and both decided, eh we're from Chicago, snow's got nothing on us...yeah, BAD IDEA! As I was on my way to church on 321, I hit a patch of black ice(or something), and skidded across the next lane of cars, and spun into the median of 321. Luckily, no one else was there, so I was ok, but it was definitely one of those things that you would see in a movie, and I was flipping terrified. Being from Chicago, I DID learn what to do when you're skidding, because it was on our driving test, but it was definitely scary! Anyways, I made it to the church safe and sound, and surprisingly in one piece, but Adrienne just about had an anxiety attack on the spot when I told her what happened! I am so lucky to have a friend who cares about me, and essentially is a mother hen looking after her little chickadee, and it makes me smile. :) Any time spent with Adrienne is a good time, but today in particular, I was so grateful for the wonderful friend that she is, but also for the protective instinct she has when it comes to me, or to any of her other students or leaders for that matter! When it came time for me to leave, she wouldn't let me. She INSISTED that either she follow me home, or she could take me home, and we could come get my car later, and THAT is a quality friend!

<3 Always,

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 222-Growth

Hey guys,

     It's hard to believe that we've been here for over SIX MONTHS. Moving has brought a lot of tears, homesickness, and just sadness, but it has also given me the opportunity to grow, to discover the person that God is calling me to be, to unleash my FULL potential, and to succeed. No disrespect to Wheaton, I love you all, and I couldn't ask for a greater place to call home, I loved growing up in Wheaton, but growing up in Wheaton also had its drawbacks. If you knew my brother well, you know that he was basically a child prodigy from day 1, he excelled at everything and anything he put his mind to, and I so wanted that, I was always one of those kids that is THIS CLOSE to being exceptional, I was the kid that scores a 95% instead of 100, and that was hard. Especially because of the fact that we were so close in age, all my teachers remembered him(of course), see that I was related to him, and expect perfection, I was expected to follow in his footsteps and blow them out of the water. I am definitely my own biggest critic, and an intense perfectionist, so every time I failed, it just cut deeper and deeper in my heart, even as early as middle school, I had convinced myself and I truly believed that I wasn't EVER going to measure up, I wouldn't ever be good enough, I would be a disappointment. That hurts. After he died, I held tight to the fact that he believed in me, he was proud of me, and he knew, eventually, I would get to my dreams, despite my brothers faith in me, and the lingering memories of his encouragement, his death spread like a wild-fire, and soon EVERYONE knew just how special my brother was. I'm not saying that that's a bad thing, I love how special and talented my brother was, I just hated being seen as nothing more than Graham's little sister, or the girl who had an amazing big brother. When we left Wheaton, quite honestly, had no idea what God had planned for my life, what I was being called to do, where I was being called to do it, or why God would choose to take my perfect brother, yet leave me, the one with what looked like nothing to offer. I felt inadequate not only educationally, but musically, but at the same time, I never let my dreams out of my sight. When we moved here, it was a clean slate, no one knew my history, no one was comparing me to my brother, it felt like this was my time to finally step OUT of my brother's shadow and show the world(and myself for that matter!), what I'm capable of. Since moving, I have changed, grown, matured, healed, and discovered who I really am, who God is calling me to be, and what I am capable of. Quite honestly, I have surprised myself, in my grades, in my musicality, and just in my maturity. If you had told me six months ago what was about to happen in my life, I would NEVER believe you, because the maturity, faithfulness, happiness, academic performance, and just my character was not reflective of the person I was six months ago, and I am so grateful for that. Everyday, I am being given new opportunities and chances to excel, I'm proving to myself and to my family and friends that I DO have what it takes, and I never cease to be amazed. I know that the person I am today isn't me at all, but rather, it's Christ living IN me, it's HIS holy power making itself prevalent in my life, and I am so blessed. 

<3 Always,

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 221-Attitude Adjustment

Hey guys,

     So, I'm going to be honest. Today was SUPPOSED to be a great day filled with independence from my family and a fun time with friends, and it wasn't...I had been planning to drive up to Asheville to go see my friend Kady, get to see her dorm and the place she calls her second home, and we were both VERY excited. All week, I was trying to get into my bank account to make sure that my paycheck had indeed made it to the bank, but due to technical difficulties, I failed. Finally, at 11:30 last night, Dad successfully logged into my account, only to find that the check from LAST WEEK had NOT arrived yet. Just like that, my plans went down the tube. So, I went to bed last night upset, frustrated, sad, angry, just wanting to see Kady, and absolutely NOT looking forward to today. However, this morning, I made the decision to have a positive attitude today, to enjoy my day, even though it wasn't what I wanted it to be, I needed to realize that yes, this plan fell through, that's kind of what plans do, but I need to move on, and make the best of the situation I have. I'm not going to say it was the best day ever, because it wasn't, there were times when I just thought to myself, "I could've been with Kady right now...", but what I will say is that each and every day, you and I have a choice regardless of whatever situation you find yourself in; you can either make the best of it, and even maybe have some fun, or you can have a poor attitude, be miserable all day, while also making others around you miserable. Life happens. Plans fall through. Friends get in fights. Hearts get broken. Not everything in life is always rainbows and butterflies, and no one is asking you to act like that, because if you did, we'd all go crazy, however, having a good attitude, taking life as it comes, making the best of situations, and simply looking on the bright side of life sometimes really does make a difference. Obviously this is all easier said than done(if anyone knows that it's me!), but when bad days come, we can still count our blessings, we can be grateful for what we DO have, rather than what we don't, and that will change everything, I promise. Today was hard, I really didn't want today to turn out like it did, but I have two wonderful parents and a wonderful family and wonderful friends who helped me make the best out of my day today. They knew that I didn't want to be here, they knew I wanted to be with Kady, exploring Asheville, and they wanted me to know that they knew. For instance, this morning, as I led worship and was walking back to sit with my parents, my Mom realized that my heels weren't fitting right. I told her that I thought they were too small, and maybe we'd need to go out sometime to get new ones, so she took me to Belk this afternoon, and not only got me heels, but also zebra print rain boots. Another example, after the service, as I was standing with my friends, Dad came up and gave me a hug and said I looked beautiful and sounded beautiful up there singing. These little things obviously didn't measure up to my expectations of what today would look like, but that's life sometimes, you win some, you lose some.

<3 Always,

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 220-Relaxing!

Saturday, February 21st

Hey guys

      As I gear up for another BUSY Sunday, and a busy rest of the week, I am so grateful and thankful that I have nothing to do today, and no one I need to see. Today, I just get to rest, because tomorrow, there will be VERY little time to sit still, if any at all. I need to be at the church by 7:30 tomorrow, lead worship, leave no later than 10, drive out to Asheville to visit a friend, be back in Lenoir by 5 for a leaders meeting, and then have youth group at 6, so right now, I'll take all the relaxing I can get!

<3 Always,

Day 219- Kids

Friday, February 20th

Hey guys,

     So, I don't know what it is about kids that makes me smile, maybe it's their innocence, maybe it's the cute things they say, I don't know, but I know that when I'm with kids, I can't help but be happy. Every third Friday of the month, our church has a Parent's Night Out, where parents can come and drop their kids off at the church, and the high school and middle school youth groups take care of them. Tonight, I had a very bitter sweet moment. I have come to love one little munchkin in particular, Annsilie Norris, as if she was my younger sister, she is so sweet and kind, and she is wonderful with the younger kids. Anyways, as the kids were enjoying their ice cream, Annsilie, out of nowhere, asks, "Miss Rose, how many more months do you have here?" Because Annsilie is 10, she understands that I AM going to leave for college, but it really doesn't make it much easier. I could feel so many little eyes looking at me, waiting for a response, and my heart melted right there and then. I realized that no matter how far away 6 months seems, and no matter how many times I promise to visit, for Annsilie, that doesn't change anything, she knows I'm leaving, and she's dreading it. As we sat together watching a movie later that night, Annsilie looked at me and said, "You're like the big sister I never had!" and again, my heart just melted. I look at Annsilie, and I DO see the younger sister I never had, and she sees the big sister SHE never had, and I know that won't ever change, but saying goodbye is going to be hard. Seeing how much she loves me tonight just encourages me to make every moment that I have with her, and with all the other kids count, because it's not going to last forever, unfortunately. 

<3 Always,

Day 218- Music Nerd Moment!

Thursday, February 19th;

Hey guys!

      If you are a musician, then you know that there are almost two separate styles of thinking when it comes to music; creatively, and logically. When most people think of music, they think of creativity, but it is also VERY methodical and logical. The creative side of music would include things like training your inner ear, sight singing(being given a sheet of music and a starting pitch and singing through it.), and being able to hear when something is out of tune. Musicianship, on the other hand is all the logical and almost mathematical details that go into music. For instance, time signatures, and being able to know when you change from this note to the next based on the count. Other musicianship skills are, mastering the circle of fifths, memorizing key signatures, calculating intervals(knowing that the jump from an E to a G is a jump of two notes...), and solfege(using the key signature to determine "Do" and then determine the rest of the notes using the solfege scale). For a lot of you, I just listed a bunch of jibberish, and that's ok, music is not for everyone! Anyways, I have always greatly excelled at the CREATIVE side of music, and loved when we would sight sing in choir because I was good at it, but at the same time, I despised the musicianship side of things. I would struggle determining which line or space a note was on, I would confuse the two rules for determining key signatures, you name it, I did it. My Junior year, I even had the student conductor meet with me every week before rehearsals to work on musicianship, and I've actually improved a lot since then! Anyways, today at worship practice, as we were singing one of the songs, I knew we were doing something wrong. As we continued through it, I realized that we were not singing the correct rhythm for the song. I was on a team with a bunch of men who have been doing this for probably 10+ years, so it was a bit intimidating to say something, so I held my tongue, and we continued to rehearse. After going through it the wrong way probably 5 or 6 times, I realized that I was the only one on that team who knew that they were doing it wrong, and I needed to say something. I went to the band leader that week, who just so happens to be the music director for our church, and mentioned what was going on. I could feel my heart pounding, and I was TERRIFIED as I walked over to show him, but I KNEW that it wasn't right, and I didn't want us to continue doing it wrong. The band director is someone that obviously knows about music, and has studied music longer than I have been alive, you look at him leading up there on Sundays and know, he knows EXACTLY what he's doing, and here I am, a 19 year old girl, getting ready to correct him...Luckily, I was indeed right, and the band director was SHOCKED that such a simple little mistake had slipped by, and I was SO proud. I wasn't proud because I took particular pleasure in correcting other people, or because I wanted to show him up, I was just proud to see the musician that I am becoming, and proud to know that ALL that work I did to try and improve my musicianship skills are actually starting to pay off! This just goes to show, if you are a teen, and you see something being done wrong, don't be afraid to let them know! Obviously, do it out of respect for your superior, but also realize, they may not KNOW that they've messed up, and if you don't say anything, they might end up making a fool of themselves! 

<3 Always,

Day 217-Snow day(continued!)

Hey guys,

     So, I know I'm a few days behind, so I'll add a date to these next few posts to clarify! Wednesday, February 18th; the schools all got cancelled AGAIN, so we got to enjoy another snow day :) Today, that consisted of painting my nails, reading, watching Monk, and just relaxing. Gotta love the southern life!

<3 Always,

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 216- SNOW DAY!

Hey guys,

    So, being from Chicago, my brothers and I LOVE snow, and were actually starting to miss it a little bit, so when we heard that we were expected to get a few inches of snow, we were ECSTATIC. Not only that, but down here, a few inches of snow means that everything shuts down, so we all had a SNOW DAY today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We so enjoyed sledding down our hills last night as the snow was falling, but also this morning/afternoon. We have missed snow SO much, so it's a wonderful feeling to finally be able to go out and go sledding and build snowmen :D

<3 Always,

Day 215- Breakfast dates!

Hey guys,

     Today I didn't have to go into work until 12, but instead of taking advantage of this opportunity to sleep in, I decided to go out to breakfast with Adrienne :) It was so worth losing a few hours of sleep, and I knew that it would be, which is why I did it :) Whenever I get to start my day by seeing friends, especially Adrienne, it sets the rest of the day up to be wonderful <3

<3 Always,

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 214-Patricia

Hey guys,

     So, I have been blessed to meet some of the most kind, caring, self-less people at our new church, but this post is about one of them, Patricia. Even though she is only 15, Patricia is wise beyond her years, and mature beyond her years as well. Her caring heart touches everyone around her, she is always looking for little things to do to brighten someones day. Patricia is smart, kind, funny, mature, sweet, and caring, and I am so lucky to have met her. We enjoyed spending our night together at Winter Jam, and then she slept over at my house and went to church with us in the morning, so we've spent basically the entire weekend together, and I wouldn't have it any other way! Patricia, it's so clear to me that you are going to do HUGE things, God has so many plans for your life, you are so successful in everything you do! There is an awesome song by Sidewalk Prophets called, "The things I would say", and the chorus ALWAYS reminds me of Patricia, it says, "Be strong in the Lord, and never give up hope. You're gonna do great things, I already know. God's got his hand on you, so don't live life in fear, forgive and forget, but don't forget why you're here, take your time and pray, these are the words I would say." 

<3 Always,

Day 213- WINTER JAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys, 

    So, today is the day that I've been waiting for for MONTHS, it's WINTER JAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Winter Jam is an all Christian concert featuring 10 different christian artists/bands for $10! It is so cool to see so many people on fire for God, it was definitely worth the very cold, very LONG, wait outside. I know I probably won't get them all, but some of the bands we saw were; Francesca Battestelli(my personal favorite), For King and Country, Skillet, Family Force 5, Blanca, Veridia, Building 429, Jeremy Camp, and New Song. Being super involved in music, I was basically on cloud 9 the entire night. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty solid Valentines Day :)

<3 Always,

Day 212- End of the week!

Hey guys,

     So, this week has been a very LONG week for me, between being sick, and having my first full week of work, I am SO happy it's Friday. Also, to add to my happiness about today, I got a $5 thousand dollar a year scholarship to Columbia!!! WAHOO!!!!

<3 Always,

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 211- Seeing People!

Hey guys,

     So, after being sick for a few days, and not really having much energy to do anything, I actually went out tonight and was able to see my friends. Being a fairly extroverted person, nothing quite picks up my spirits like being with friends, and it actually made me feel a bit better as well!

<3 Always,

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 210-A close call!

Hey guys,

     So, I woke up this morning not feeling well at all, and instantly thought, "oh crap..." If you live in Caldwell County, you know that there are a BUNCH of viruses going around, strep, flu, stomach bugs, and even pneumonia, so when I woke up this morning not feeling well, I was bracing myself for the worst. I was hoping that as I went on with my day, I would start to feel better, but unfortunately, that was not the case. By the time I got home at 4:30, I was exhausted, and fully convinced that I was sick, so I spent most of tonight resting and hoping that I'd feel better in the morning. Luckily for me, that DID work, I obviously don't feel 100% today, but I DO feel better than I did yesterday, and that's a start! Please pray that I can continue to rest and heal this week, because I've got a VERY busy weekend, and would hate to have to stay home because I'm sick!

<3 Always,

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 209- Getting stuff done!

Hey guys,

    So, today I started my regular work hours of 7:15-4(because of sicknesses and things, before today, I hadn't actually done that...), and yesterday(I'm a few days behind, so that would be Sunday), I was sooo stressed that I wouldn't be able to get everything done that I needed to. But, today I not only got done what I needed to get done, but I also was able to get EXTRA work done!!!

<3 Always,

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 208- Mountain Biking!

Hey guys,

     So, today I went mountain biking with Katie for the first time in 8 years, and now, I am reminded of why I didn't like it the first time...The first time, I was 11 years old, at my first sleep away camp for an entire week, that was problem number 1. Problem number two; in ONE DAY, I got bucked off a horse, got stepped on by a horse, fell on the bike trail 11 times, ran over my friend and into a bush, and almost got hit by a yeah, mountain biking and me, we don't get along...Anyways, today I decided to give it another shot, and thankfully it wasn't NEARLY as bad as my first time biking, but it still wasn't exactly a walk in the park. About 30 minutes into it, Katie and I decided that we just wanted to take a leisurely bike ride, so we switched over to the Green-way, which was basically like an even easier version of the Prairie Path for all you Wheaties! The whole ride was actually really enjoyable, not the easiest at times, but definitely fun! In the end, I was very proud of the two of us for powering through and sticking it out :)

<3 Always,

Day 207- Passion Pressure

Hey guys,

      In today's society, there is an immense amount of pressure on high-schoolers, and I'm talking more than just getting good grades. These student are expected to have some sort of dream, passion, aspiration, or a "life goal" of some sort by the time they graduate. However, here is reality; it is VERY common for teens to graduate high-school and still not know what they're going to do, in fact, it's also common for college students to switch their majors, because they aren't sure what they want to do, so this idea is essentially bogus, and it gives high school kids MUCH more of a burden and headache than necessary. Here's another dose of reality; many high school students who DO have dreams or aspirations, or something that they're passionate about are told that their said dreams and aspirations are unrealistic, and sometimes even silly. Parents, I DO get it, you love your children, you want them to be able to make money and support themselves, and maybe even support you when retirement comes, but please, don't do that! You don't know the opportunity your child could get, you don't know the kind of money your child could make doing what they love to do, so please, don't crush their spirits! Then, there are students like me(although I'm not in High School anymore), who have MANY passions, that are all equal in importance to you, and you are equally passionate about the many things. For me, that is music, and education. Luckily, I come from a family of a music educator, so they have always been VERY supportive of both of my dreams and aspirations, and I am so grateful for that. However, with music being as competitive and emotionally and physically draining as it is, there is always doubt, doubt in myself, doubt voiced by my parents, and doubt voiced by all three of us. Let me explain something; doubt and telling you child that their dreams are ridiculous are two completely different things! Especially with music, there is no second place, it's either, you get the part in the play, musical, chorus, etc. or you don't, end of story. So, it is completely natural for me to have doubts about pursuing music. Anyways, parents, please do your best to support your children, and help them to achieve their dreams, but keep your own opinions out of it! Obviously, keep them grounded in reality, and remind them that it may not be as simple as they think it may be, but don't shoot them down completely!  
<3 Always,

Day 206- A full day of work!

Hey guys,

    So, today I FINALLY had the opportunity to get in a FULL day of work! And I can confidently say, I am in LOVE with this 3 year old :)

<3 Always,

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 205- My Katie

Hey all,

    So, I know it can be a bit confusing since I have a Kady, a Katie Van Oss, and a Katie Bast, but that's kind of how my life has been, the 8 senior girls I graduated with were; Katherine, Kate, Katie, Kyra, Rebekah, Rachel, Rose(me), and Daniela, so this is normal! Anyways, this post is about Katie Bast. Katie and I have a lot in common, right now, we are both the oldest, we have 3 younger siblings, she was a counselor at Eagle Lake, and so was my Dad, she very, VERY organized, and if you know me well, you know that I am too. We are both very crafty and like to make things, but can't draw well, and we both love God and LIVE for God wholeheartedly. Katie was also the very FIRST person I met when we came to Lenoir, and she was VERY kind and friendly, which I loved. Today, Katie gave me a note after bible study, she wrote me this note just to tell me how glad she is that we moved here, and how much of a blessing I am to her. In all honesty, I feel the same way, God has blessed me with some BEYOND amazing people here in Lenoir, and I am so glad that things worked out the way they did. Mainly though, Katie, Adrienne, Jae, Patricia, Cassie, and I have become wonderful friends, and they have ALL been a huge blessing in my life, especially Katie. Katie has this way of taking charge of any situation(maybe that comes with being the oldest), without being asked, or having to ask for help, Katie steps up and is a fantastic leader. Being a leader is something I've always struggled with, I think mainly because I have been hurt by my peers in the past, I really have a hard time sticking my neck out just a little bit, so I really admire Katie because she's AMAZING at doing that! Katie also has an amazing love for others, whether they're highschoolers, 5 year olds, 2 year olds, even the obnoxious middleschoolers, she loves them all, SO much. It's always fun to see some of the little ones walk into church and see her and just run into her arms, and she loves every minute of it! She'll check in with even the little elementary school kids to see how their weeks have been, and just to love them, and I think that that's awesome!!! All in all, Katie is a fantastic person, and I love her dearly, I am seriously contemplating just sticking her in my suitcase and bringing her to college with me... ;)
<3 Always,

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 204- Getting stuff done!

Hey guys, 

    So, today was SUPPOSED to be my first full day of work, which meant I had to leave my house by 7 A.M. At 6:45, I got a call that Alora had been up all night with the stomach flu, so they cancelled. At that point, I was dressed, showered, and had already had my coffee, and I pretty much knew there was NO. WAY. I was getting back to sleep, so I started on school. Because I started SO early, I was able to get everything I needed to get done this week finished, and it's only Wednesday! HOORAY!

<3 Always,

Day 203-First day!

Hey guys,

     I started my job today, and I am already smitten with little Miss Alora, she is so sweet, yet also spunky, and fiesty. I can tell, she's gonna give me a run for my money! I didn't get a chance to get a picture of her today, but she is ADORABLE and seriously the most beautiful 3 year old I've ever seen. She's got these long golden curls that go down past her shoulders, and amazingly emerald green eyes. She is so adorable, and so verbal for a 3 year old, this is going to be a LOT of fun :)

<3 Always,

Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 202-Kady

Hey guys,

     So, you know that friend that will just call you up because she knows you had a bad day and just wanted to talk? Well, today that was Kady, and she just fills my heart to overflow. Lucky me, she called at the VERY minute we had walked in to get my car, so I couldn't exactly talk, but she left the most encouraging and loving voicemail, that just left me smiling from ear to ear, and I am so grateful to have this wonderful girl in my life <3 Kady, you are SO wonderful, and you always know exactly what to say to bring a smile to my face. I. LOVE. YOU!!!! 

<3 Always,

Day 201- Car?!

Hey guys,

     So, today I *almost* got a car! We found one car in Taylorsville, about an hour and a half away, and found an AWESOME car!! Unfortunately, the seller wanted cash, so we put a down payment on it so that it wouldn't sell, and hopefully we'll make it down there again so we can get it!!! 

<3 Always,

Day 200- LAST DAY OF WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys!

     So, the title of this post is basically self-explanatory, I finished my very frustrating, and VERY aggravating job today, HOORAY! 

<3 Always,