Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 221-Attitude Adjustment

Hey guys,

     So, I'm going to be honest. Today was SUPPOSED to be a great day filled with independence from my family and a fun time with friends, and it wasn't...I had been planning to drive up to Asheville to go see my friend Kady, get to see her dorm and the place she calls her second home, and we were both VERY excited. All week, I was trying to get into my bank account to make sure that my paycheck had indeed made it to the bank, but due to technical difficulties, I failed. Finally, at 11:30 last night, Dad successfully logged into my account, only to find that the check from LAST WEEK had NOT arrived yet. Just like that, my plans went down the tube. So, I went to bed last night upset, frustrated, sad, angry, just wanting to see Kady, and absolutely NOT looking forward to today. However, this morning, I made the decision to have a positive attitude today, to enjoy my day, even though it wasn't what I wanted it to be, I needed to realize that yes, this plan fell through, that's kind of what plans do, but I need to move on, and make the best of the situation I have. I'm not going to say it was the best day ever, because it wasn't, there were times when I just thought to myself, "I could've been with Kady right now...", but what I will say is that each and every day, you and I have a choice regardless of whatever situation you find yourself in; you can either make the best of it, and even maybe have some fun, or you can have a poor attitude, be miserable all day, while also making others around you miserable. Life happens. Plans fall through. Friends get in fights. Hearts get broken. Not everything in life is always rainbows and butterflies, and no one is asking you to act like that, because if you did, we'd all go crazy, however, having a good attitude, taking life as it comes, making the best of situations, and simply looking on the bright side of life sometimes really does make a difference. Obviously this is all easier said than done(if anyone knows that it's me!), but when bad days come, we can still count our blessings, we can be grateful for what we DO have, rather than what we don't, and that will change everything, I promise. Today was hard, I really didn't want today to turn out like it did, but I have two wonderful parents and a wonderful family and wonderful friends who helped me make the best out of my day today. They knew that I didn't want to be here, they knew I wanted to be with Kady, exploring Asheville, and they wanted me to know that they knew. For instance, this morning, as I led worship and was walking back to sit with my parents, my Mom realized that my heels weren't fitting right. I told her that I thought they were too small, and maybe we'd need to go out sometime to get new ones, so she took me to Belk this afternoon, and not only got me heels, but also zebra print rain boots. Another example, after the service, as I was standing with my friends, Dad came up and gave me a hug and said I looked beautiful and sounded beautiful up there singing. These little things obviously didn't measure up to my expectations of what today would look like, but that's life sometimes, you win some, you lose some.

<3 Always,

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