Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 223-Adrienne

Hey guys,

    So, today we had a snow day, AGAIN. I was supposed to meet with Adrienne today though, so we talked about it and both decided, eh we're from Chicago, snow's got nothing on us...yeah, BAD IDEA! As I was on my way to church on 321, I hit a patch of black ice(or something), and skidded across the next lane of cars, and spun into the median of 321. Luckily, no one else was there, so I was ok, but it was definitely one of those things that you would see in a movie, and I was flipping terrified. Being from Chicago, I DID learn what to do when you're skidding, because it was on our driving test, but it was definitely scary! Anyways, I made it to the church safe and sound, and surprisingly in one piece, but Adrienne just about had an anxiety attack on the spot when I told her what happened! I am so lucky to have a friend who cares about me, and essentially is a mother hen looking after her little chickadee, and it makes me smile. :) Any time spent with Adrienne is a good time, but today in particular, I was so grateful for the wonderful friend that she is, but also for the protective instinct she has when it comes to me, or to any of her other students or leaders for that matter! When it came time for me to leave, she wouldn't let me. She INSISTED that either she follow me home, or she could take me home, and we could come get my car later, and THAT is a quality friend!

<3 Always,

1 comment:

  1. i have done this before in ontario in snow. its scary when it happens

    glad it worked out well.

    Adrienne is a sweetheart
